Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Introduction to Brands and Branding

Branding is a vital tool in business survival and prosperity and yet most some business owners - entrepreneurs, administrator, executives, and managers still do not have a good knowledge of it.
Whether we like it or not our decisions concerning when we buy, how we buy and how much we buy is largely influenced by brands and the intricacies of branding process.

In this blog posting I will introduce the concepts of brands and branding and subsequently I will delve deeper into the relevance and applications of branding to businesses and the current trends in Branding. I'm passionate about logo design (this may stem from my love for graphic designs) and for that reason most of my postings will dwell on logos and logo design as it relates to brand development and brand management.

 Brands in plain terms are simply impressions and perception product and/or services leave on the minds of people - you and I inclusive! Don't forget this: first impression matters a lot and perception is everything!

A Brand is a promise about who you are and the benefits that can be derived from you or your products or services which gets strengthened or weakened every single time people (clients or customers) come into contact with any aspect of you or your business.
This promise refers to a combination of attributes which are intangible and tangible  and when properly managed create value and influence for you as a brand owner.
Intangible Brand attributes include brand name, logos, graphics, colors, shapes/symbols, and even smells.
Tangible Brand attributes are those useful qualities known to exist through experience and knowledge, for example, you expect a clean breathe when you use Colgate or think of safe and speed parcel delivery when you see the FedEx logo. 

Branding is the process of building a positive set of impression in the minds of your clients or customers which is carried out by selecting and combining intangible and tangible brand attributes to distinguish a product, service or corporation in a way that is attractive, meaningful and compelling.
Usually when we see a known product or business place certain thoughts and emotions are spontaneously provoked in us. These thoughts and emotions are what guide the way we relate with these products or services.
Benefits of Branding
Remember this: great brands are not just famous and reliable - they are loved! As you grow your brand into gaining strength and loyalty in the marketplace expect the following benefits:
  • Branding makes selling easy both in person and online. This holds true whether you are selling products to consumers, investments opportunities to investors, job opportunities to applicants, or a new business ideas to stakeholders, a brand name simply opens the door and keeps it open for more selling opportunities.
  • Brands sets your product or service on a pedestal in the marketplace. As you gain brand awareness you begin to enjoy enjoy larger market shares, share-of-mind, best pricing and visible spots in retail shops.
  • Brands build equity
    • Customers are willing to pay more to purchase your brand because they believe that the brand will deliver outstanding and desirable values to them.
    • Customers stay committed and loyal to your brand thereby buying it more frequently and greater amount and they usually would need little or no promotional incentives for this.
    • It follows that since you now enjoy greater visibility (brand awareness) and best pricing you expect your brand sales to be higher and, of course, a buoyant bottom line.
    • Brand owners don't have to start from scratch when launching a new offering they leverage on the popularity of their existing brand to create new products or launch new brands.
    • Owners of well known brands usually have a large pool of talented employees to draw from because talented applicants are attracted to workplaces where great brands are made.
    • Brand owners tend to operate more efficiently and profitably because they align their managerial and strategic decisions and policies with the vision, mission, and core values that underpin their brand promise.
    • You guessed it! owners of well known brands enjoy larger market shares, increased investor support, prompt customer selection, name awareness, increased company value, and increased chance of their business surviving.

Watch out for these upcoming titles!
  • Introduction to Brand Development
  • Steps in Brand Development
  • Basics of Logo Design
  • The role of a logo design artist in Branding